The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is scoping a longitudinal (life course) study that will measure and monitor the health and well-being of ADF members throughout their lives, including after service.
The proposed ADF Life Course Study (ADFLCS) will be a critical tool in understanding the health and well-being of serving and former-serving ADF members.
It will support evidence-based changes to policy and programs that are aimed at protecting, preserving and enhancing the health, well-being and performance of the Force and its people.
To ensure former-serving members’ perspectives are included in the development of this study, the University of Wollongong researchers are seeking expressions of interest from former ADF personnel to serve as community jurors.
This research will gather your perspectives on longitudinal studies of the health and well-being of ADF members.
As a community juror, you will be provided with information and expert presentations, to support your engagement in discussions and the development of recommendations. The outcomes of this study will be used in the design of the proposed ADFLCS to ensure member perspectives are integrated.
Nominees do not need any prior knowledge or experience in life course research to be eligible. Community jurors will be required to attend a face-to-face 2.5-day meeting in Canberra or Sydney. Participants will receive an honorarium for their contribution to this research.
The project has been granted ethics approval by the Departments of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs Human Research Ethics Committee (project number 534-23). Register your interest or for more information, email ADF-jury@uow.edu.au